Sunday, November 8, 2009 – 7:30 pm
MadArt Gallery
2727 S. 12th Street
In collaboration with St. Louis contemporary dancers and choreographers, New Music Circle is excited to present Rob Voisey’s multimedia project, 60×60 Dance. The work combines 60 live dance pieces with 60, 60-second musical compositions, each by a different composer. Voisey is a New York-based composer and impresario of electroacoustic and chamber music.
As a presenter and producer of new music, he is the Director of the 60×60 project, Co-Director of the Composer’s Voice Concert series, Vice President of Programs for the Living Music Foundation, and Founder of Vox Novus. Having produced over 150 concerts in more than 10 countries around the world, Voisey seeks innovative and creative approaches to promote the music of today’s composers.
Begun in 2003, the 60×60 project is an annual event of worldwide concerts. 60×60 Dance, is an off-shoot of the original concept, which brings opportunities for exposure to many working composers, dancers, and choreographers.
… 60×60 Dance … is a masterpiece of organization. The idea … is quite mad. But it’s this kind of madness that makes the cultural world go round. –Roslyn Sulcas, New York Times