Angel Bat Dawid / Brooklyn Skye Scott / Anaiet Sivad (trio)
Monday, October 5, 2020 | 8pm CST
Online (New Music Circle YouTube Channel)
Angel Bat Dawid – Voice, Saxophones
Brooklynn Skye Scott – Bass
Anaiet Sivad – Piano
Event Introduction by 18&Counting
This event will be free to view, however your donations will help support this event and other NMC events to come

Angel Bat Dawid (née Angel Elmore) is a composer, improviser, clarinetist, and pianist. She is a founding member of The Participatory Music Coalition, which grew out of the South Side Community Arts Center’s weekly “Sonic Healing Ministries Free Jazz Sessions”. Dawid is a treasured member of the Windy City’s avant-jazz scene who has worked extensively with Ben Lamar Gay, Rob Mazurek, and Makaya McCraven on recordings and in concert. She has also starred in a duo performance with Roscoe Mitchell and played with numerous rock and electronic musicians. Her 2019 debut album, The Oracle, for International Anthem (released simultaneously on cassette and digital), was universally acclaimed as a “road map” to the roots of all black music.